Our Story

At Retrokicker, our passion lies in celebrating the rich heritage of football, honoring the iconic teams and players who have significantly influenced this beloved sport.
Our range of vintage football shirts encompasses various eras, covering teams from the 1960s through to the 1990s. This includes legendary clubs like Manchester United, Liverpool, Barcelona, AC Milan, and many others.Our goal at Retrokickers is to offer football enthusiasts a unique chance to own a part of football history and to revisit the golden eras of their most admired teams and players. Our extensive collection of classic football shirts caters to both avid collectors and casual fans, ensuring a variety of styles to fit all preferences and budgets.
We at Retrokickers hold the belief that football transcends being merely a game. It's a lifestyle that unites people across different countries, cultures, and languages. We take immense pride in being a part of the global football community and are thrilled to share our passion for the game through our curated collection of retro football shirts.
We hope that exploring our collection brings you as much joy as we experience in assembling it.
Thank you for choosing Retrokickers.